Sea Salt vs Table Salt

Written by keith
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sea_salt_300x300Table salt and most sea salts contain about 40 percent sodium by weight. Kosher salt and some sea salts may have larger crystal sizes than table salt, so they may have less sodium by volume (e.g., by teaspoon or tablespoon). A teaspoon of table salt has about 2,300 mg of sodium, but a teaspoon of sea salt or kosher salt may have less sodium because fewer crystals fit into the spoon.

Some varieties of sea salt may claim to have less sodium than table salt. You can check the Nutrition Facts label to compare how a given sea salt compares to table salt, which has about 575 mg sodium per ¼ teaspoon.

“It’s very important for people to be aware that sea salt often has as much sodium as table salt,” said Rachel K. Johnson, Ph.D., R.D., an American Heart Association spokeswoman and the Bickford Professor of Nutrition at the University of Vermont.

Sea salt is obtained directly through the evaporation of seawater. It is usually not processed, or undergoes minimal processing, and therefore retains trace levels of minerals like magnesium, potassium, calcium and other nutrients.

Table salt, on the other hand, is mined from salt deposits and then processed to give it a fine texture so it’s easier to mix and use in recipes. Processing strips table salt of any minerals it may have contained, and additives are also usually added to prevent clumping or caking.

Whichever option you choose, keep in mind that both usually contain the same amount of sodium.


The Benefits of Using Sea Salt Outside The Body

Natural sea salt that contains such good nutrients just has to be good on the outside of your body, too, right? Right! Here are some of the ways that sea salt can benefit your body from the outside.

Hair – sea salt removes excess oil from your hair and makes your waves and curls softer. It also helps get rid of dandruff by absorbing excess oil and moisture to prevent fungal growth.

Skin – cleans pores and balances the production of oil which will help prevent acne and breakouts. You can even use it as a skin exfoliator to remove dead skin cells and leave your skin fresh and gleaming.

Nails – sea salt mixed with baking soda and lemon juice will remove cuticles, yellowing, and dullness from your nails.

Teeth – why spend hundreds of dollars on teeth whitening products when you can use sea salt. Sea salt mixed with baking soda not only whitens teeth naturally but also kills bacteria that causes bad breath.


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