Proportionate “Stop & Frisk”? – Brian Lehrer (Audio)

Written by keith
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wnyc_300x300Brian Lehrer and his guests take on the issues dominating conversation in New York and around the world. This daily program from WNYC, New York Public Radio cuts through the usual talk radio punditry and brings a smart, humane approach to the day’s events.

Your calls on Mayor Bloomberg’s comments about the intersection of race and “stop and frisk.” Plus Graham Rayman, staff writer for the Village Voice and author of the forthcoming The NYPD Tapes: A Shocking Story of Cops, Cover-ups, and Courage (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013), discusses Mayor Bloomberg’s recent comments about the proportion of stops as related to crime.

Bloomberg’s Full Remarks: “There is this business, there’s one newspaper and one news service, they just keep saying, ‘Oh it’s a disproportionate percentage of a particular ethnic group. That may be, but it’s not a disproportionate percentage of those who witnesses and victims describe as committing the murder. In that case, incidentally, I think we disproportionately stop whites too much and minorities too little.”

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