DCA Reminds New Yorkers about Free Tax Filing Services

Written by keith
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taxes_tax_return_irs_300x300If you earn $60,000 or less, you can file your taxes safely and for free online. If you earn $53,000 or less, you can visit a free tax preparation site where an IRS-certified volunteer will file your taxes and help you claim your full refund.

If you earned income, you could qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and the NYC Child Care Tax Credit (NYC CCTC), which could result in a refund of up to $10,000. Find out if you qualify for the EITC and NYC CCTC.

Text “Refund” to 97779 from your cell phone to receive daily useful information during tax season from the Department of Consumer Affairs including tax credits and free tax prep eligibility and financial counseling (Text and data rates may apply. Check with your cell phone provider).
File your taxes for free!

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