Sample Resumes

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career_education4_300x300A resume is resume is a brief, informative summary of your abilities, education, and experience. You can also look at a resume as a selling tool. It should highlight your strongest assets and skills, and differentiate you from other candidates seeking similar positions. Although it alone will not get you a job or internship, a good resume is an important element towards obtaining an interview.

At a glance, an employer should be able to see how you can contribute to their workplace. Tailor your resume to the type of position you are seeking. This does not mean that all of your work history must relate directly, but your resume should reflect the kind of skills the employer would value.

Youur resume should not contain any errors or typos. Use your computer’s “Spell Check” but don’t solely rely on it. Read your resume at lease 3 times and check for errors yourself. Always take at least 4 copies of your resume with you when you go on a job interview


Two Main Resume Types

The first and most widely used is the Chronological resume. This type of resume is organized by job titles with the most recent position listed first. Employers tend to prefer this type of resume because it lists prior positions held beginning with the most current. Likewise, it is easily skimmed. The Chronological resume works best for job seekers with solid experience and a logical job history.

The second main type of resume is the Functional resume. It arranges employment history into sections that highlight areas of accomplishment and skill. Some employers dislike functional resumes because it is not easy to skim through, and it is difficult to match up skills with the actual job title and dates of experience. The Functional resume works best for individuals with large gaps in their work history, and for people that would like to match-up skills and accomplishments that might not be obvious to the employer in a Chronological format.


Sample Resumes

Chronological Sample Resume
Functional Sample Resume
Student / Little Work Experience Sample Resume
Resume Action Verbs

Top 5 Resume Mistakes:

* Spelling and grammar errors
* Missing email and phone information
* Using passive language instead of “action” words
* Not well organized, concise, or easy to skim


Resume Language Should Be:

* Specific rather than general
* Active rather than passive
* Written to express not impress
* Articulate rather than “flowery”
* Fact-based (quantify and qualify)
* Written for people who scan quickly


When Preparing Your Resume Do:

* Be consistent in format and content
* Make it easy to read and follow
* Use spacing, underlining, italics, bold, and capitalization for emphasis
* List headings (such as Professional Experience) in order of importance
* Within headings, list information in reverse chronological order (most recent first)
* Avoid information gaps such as a missing summer
* Be sure that your formatting translated properly if converted to a .pdf


When Preparing Your Resume Don’t:

* Use personal pronouns (such as I)
* Abbreviate
* Use a narrative style
* Number or letter categories
* Use slang or colloquialisms
* Include a picture
* Include age or sex
* List references on resume
* Lead each line with a date

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