Understanding Where You Belong (Video)

Written by keith
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There is no paramount greater than the proclamation of the Gospel followed next by the command of Christ to make a disciple of them. But after a man is rescued from his sins and becomes a follower of Jesus Christ, what then? – – He is then taught the Bible and then instructed to put his or her faith into practice – This is Christianity.
And in so doing – the world that surrounds that believer – will be influenced by the life, conduct and witness of that believer. This truth is so powerful that one man or woman can change the course of history; and the Bible is full of examples of that very thing.

Pastor Jack Hibbs is passionate about life! This passion comes out of his deep understanding that God, who came to earth in human skin, has through Jesus Christ provided the way, the truth and the life. Our relationship with God, broken because of our sin, can be restored through Him. Jesus said He came to give us “abundant” life. That’s real life done God’s way!






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