Tech News Weekly: Episode 058 – Sonic Boom, Amazon, Robots, Etc

Written by keith
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Sonic boom testing is starting again, and Dan Vergano from Buzzfeed says that new technology might make it more of a sonic thud. But is that good enough? Amazon selected a total of three cities to split its highly sought after HQ2 between, and people aren’t happy about it. CNET’s Ben Fox Rubin details what this might mean for the communities chosen. The third generation Anki Vector robot is likely to make it on the holiday lists of many techies this season. Megan Morrone walks through some of its key features. A new Raspberry Pi 3 A+ is announced and it brings the power of the B+ to a smaller form factor, for a cheaper price. Guests: Dan Vergano, Ben Fox Rubin; Hosted by Megan Morrone, Jason Howell;


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