Tonight we chat with Owen JJ Stone (aka OhDoctah) about all the tech news that’s fit to be trending. First, we talk about Gboard, the new iOS keyboard from Google. GBoard offers search, predictive emoji, GIF search, and more. But cycling through the keyboards to get to it can be a huge pain in our fingers. Next, we cover the ongoing saga of Facebook’s trending news section. Documents leaked to the Guardian reveal that Facebook moved away from a pure-algorithmic approach to story selection in 2014, when Facebook was criticized for not including adequate news coverage of the situation in Ferguson, Missouri. As a result, the leaked guidelines reveal that human intervention exists with every stage of the process. After that, we talk about Google’s rumored Amazon Echo-clone, Chirp, and a bug in iTunes that might be deleting your music. We also welcome Elizabeth Grossman to the show to talk about her research into e-waste. A two-year investigation from the Basel Action Network (BAN) has revealed that the toxic e-waste we think is being responsibly recycled might be exported illegally to low-tech workshops in developing countries. Hosted by Megan Morrone, Jason Howell. Guests: Owen JJ Stone, Elizabeth Grossman.
Tech News Today explores the most important stories of the day in conversation with the world’s leading journalists.