Game Over Real Story To “Paid in Full” Az, Alpo & Rich Porter Life (Video)

Written by keith
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az_rich_porter_alpo_300x300Rich Porter, AZ and Alpo are the names of three very notorious drug dealers who partnered up on the streets of New York during the1980s. The movie “Paid In Full” is based on the lives of these three notorious men. Richard Porter was an infamous drug kingpin in New York.

Rich Porter was actually killed by his friend Albert “Alpo” Martinez, a Puerto Rican drug lord, on January 3, 1990 in front of Bodega in Harlem. Alpo remarked of the crime that “It wasn’t personal it was business.” Born in the Bronx, Azie (A.K.A. “AZ) Faison, Jr., a drug dealer, was shot seven times in 1982 during a botched robbery attempt on his stash house. He survived and now focuses on steering kids away from drugs and the gang life.AZ and some of his family members were shot down in a Bronx apartment and left for dead on August 20th, 1987.

The story of the three drug-dealers and their wild and dangerous lifestyle has been given quite a bit of attention from the media, which has led to several documentaries and the release of the popular film “Paid in Full”. The uncut documentary, “Game Over,” focuses on the true story behind the movie “Paid in Full”; read about the documentary at the following website: Even the New York Times published an article about the deadly shooting of Rich’s little brother.F.E.D.S. Magazine (which stands for ” Finally Every Dimension of the Streets) published an in-depth interview with AZ, wherein AZ discusses his relationship with Richard Porter and various experiences he had with him and many others involved with the gang activities during that time.

The entire interview can be read at the following website: AZ recalls why Richard Porter wanted to kill him and provides descriptive details about some of the most well-known violent and criminal situations involving the three gang members. AZ recalls vividly the harsh ways of life typical to this group of hustlers and drug-dealers, who often committed robberies, break-ins and other crimes to gain status and influence among one another on the streets.

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