Mark Dever… Who should be baptized? How should baptism be done? I think the important...
Author - Flawless
Can We Trust The New Testament? (Audio)
John Ankerberg… How can we be sure that the text of the New Testament hasn’t been...
The Role of Prayer In The Church (Audio)
Pastor Lloyd Pulley… If you are at all like most, the bulk of our prayer time seems to be...
Creationist Vs Evolutionist: Ken Ham Debates Bill Nye (Video)
Is creation a viable model of origins in today’s modern, scientific era? Leading creation...
Should I Be Baptized? (Audio)
Dr. J. Bruce Sofia… This week our teaching series is all about Baptism. We start off the week...
Evidence For Atheists That Jesus Rose From The Dead (Audio)
John Ankerberg… Did Jesus really claim to be God? And did Jesus really rise from the dead? He...
What Separates Jesus From Other Religious Teachers? (Video)
Joe Coffey … Jesus lived the life I should have live, died the death I deserved to die. That...
Healing Words For Hurting Hearts (Audio)
Dr. Robert Jeffress… “If there really is a God, why does he allow evil in the world...
Is God Ultimately Responsible For Suffering? (Audio)
Dr. Robert Jeffress… It’s all over the news. It stings our families, rips apart hearts...
What To Say To Those Who Deny There Is One Way (Audio)
Dr. Robert Jeffress… “Pluralism” is a comforting, non-threatening belief. It...