2015 NYC Junior Ambassadors Program… Apply Now!

Written by keith
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program_nyc_junior_ambassadors_300x300The NYC Junior Ambassadors program targets youth at a critical time in their personal and intellectual growth, and helps them understand the real connections between themselves, their city and the world at large. The program will provide ten groups of 7th grade students from school classrooms or afterschool programs singular access to the United Nations community, including a curated visit to the United Nations Headquarters and a classroom visit from a senior UN diplomat.


Please contact Aissata Camara in the Mayor’s Office for International Affairs at 212-319-9300 or e-mail NYCJuniorAmbassadors@cityhall.nyc.gov with any questions about NYC Junior Ambassadors.


To Apply Or For More Information:



Benefits will include:

  • Curated tour of the United Nations headquarters matched to the class’s curricular interests
  • Classroom visit from a United Nations diplomat who will provide an overview of their role in New York City and within the international community
  • Private year-end event celebration with the entire cohort of NYC Junior Ambassadors at a venue of significance to the history of the UN in NYC
  • Program certificate acknowledging participation as a NYC Junior Ambassador


Eligibility Requirements and Responsibilities:
New York City 7th grade educators from all subject areas are invited to apply to NYC Junior Ambassadors on behalf of one of their classroom or afterschool program. Educators are required to include the United Nations in the classroom/ after school curriculum. For example, a science teacher might wish to focus his/her curricula on climate change by developing lesson plans that teach his/ her youth about the issue and daily actions they could take in order to protect the environment (i.e. recycling and taking public transportation).

By applying, educators agree to the following responsibilities:

  • Serve as the point of contact for NYC Junior Ambassadors
  • Incorporate aspects of the United Nations in the classroom/ afterschool program curriculum
  • Ensure classroom will attend (a) the scheduled private tour of the United Nations, (b) the year-end celebration
  • Host a classroom visit by New York City/ United Nations diplomat


Application Timeline:
Below is the timeline for the application process of the NYC Junior Ambassadors. Ten groups of 7th graders (classrooms or afterschool programs) will be selected as the inaugural cohort of NYC Junior Ambassadors.

NYC Junior Ambassadors application opens October 23, 2015
Application deadline November 25, 2015
NYC Junior Ambassadors inaugural cohort is announced December 14, 2015
Launch of NYC Junior Ambassadors January 11, 2016
Year-end celebration May 2016

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