Tremont is a low income residential neighborhood geographically located in the west Bronx, New York City. The neighborhood is part of Bronx Community Board 5. Its boundaries, starting from the north and moving clockwise are: East 183rd Street to the north, Webster Avenue to the east, the Cross-Bronx Expressway to the south, and the Jerome Avenue to the west. The Grand Concourse is the primary thoroughfare through Tremont. The local subway is the IND Concourse Line (B D), operating along the Grand Concourse. Zip codes include 10453 and 10457. The area is patrolled by the 46th Precinct located at 2120 Ryer Avenue within Tremont.
Tremont has a population under 45,000. For decades Tremont has been one of the poorest communities in America. Over half the population lives below the poverty line and receives public assistance (AFDC, Home Relief, Supplemental Security Income, and Medicaid). The neighborhood is now predominantly Dominican with a significant longstanding Puerto Rican and African American population. The vast majority of households are renter occupied.
After a wave of arson ravaged the low income communities of New York City throughout the 1970s, many of the residential structures in Tremont were left seriously damaged or destroyed. The city began to rehabilitate many formally abandoned tenement style apartment buildings and designate them low income housing beginning in the late 1970s. Also many subsidized attached multi-unit townhouses and newly constructed apartment buildings have been or are being built on vacant lots across across the neighborhood.