Food Banks, Pantries, Etc.

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food_banks_300x300In New York City, there are approximately 1.3 million people that rely on food pantries, soup kitchens and/or other food assistance. This includes children, seniors, women, the working poor, people with disabilities and middle-income earners. With the cost of food, insurance, and overall living rising, it is becoming more and more difficult for individuals to afford groceries. Below are links to food assistance programs located in the Bronx and Manhattan.


Visit forĀ a food program in your local area (food bank, pantry, and/or soup kitchen).

Click here for information on Food Stamps, SNAP and/or other food assistance.


Food Pantry: Food pantries provide bags of food fresh and packaged food directly to families and individuals who use the food to prepare meals for themselves and their families. Typically good for three to five days, pantry bags are designed to provide nutritionally balanced meals.

Soup Kitchen: Soup kitchens prepare hot, nutritious meals for people in need. Many soup kitchens also serve homebound individuals through Meals-on-Heels programs that deliver warm meals to individuals’ homes.

Senior Center: Senior centers offer nutritious, hot meals to seniors in addition to providing social services and recreational activities. Many senior centers also deliver food to the homebound and supply food packages for seniors to use when the program is not open.

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